The weekly Children’s meeting which is held each Wednesday night from 6.30pm to 7.15pm in the Community Hall in the village of Maghaberry was commenced about four years ago following the Gospel Tent Missions which were conducted there in conjunction with our Lisburn and Aghalee congregations.
There is an average attendance of between twenty five to thirty boys and girls from the village who are very well behaved and display a very keen interest in the instruction that they are given from the Word of God each week.
A very dedicated team of eight workers some of them living in Maghaberry and in membership of our Lisburn and Aghalee congregations organize the meetings on a Rota basis with interesting Bible stories and quizzes conducted each week with great competition among the girls and boys for the prizes that are on offer.
It is a great privilege for us to be able to conduct these meetings in the Community Hall in Maghaberry and we are very thankful that this meeting forms part of the many varied activities which take place there as part of a busy programme of events planned for the good of the community by the very active Community Residents Association in that village.