Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Come along before work between 7am and 9am.
Stay and pray or pray and go – it’s totally flexible to suit your morning.
The weekly Children’s meeting which is held each Wednesday night from 6.30pm to 7.15pm in the Community Hall in the village of Maghaberry was commenced about four years ago following the Gospel Tent Missions which were conducted there in conjunction with our Lisburn and Aghalee congregations.
There is an average attendance of between twenty five to thirty boys and girls from the village who are very well behaved and display a very keen interest in the instruction that they are given from the Word of God each week.
A very dedicated team of eight workers some of them living in Maghaberry and in membership of our Lisburn and Aghalee congregations organize the meetings on a Rota basis with interesting Bible stories and quizzes conducted each week with great competition among the girls and boys for the prizes that are on offer.
It is a great privilege for us to be able to conduct these meetings in the Community Hall in Maghaberry and we are very thankful that this meeting forms part of the many varied activities which take place there as part of a busy programme of events planned for the good of the community by the very active Community Residents Association in that village.
Junior youth meet on a Friday night from 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Children from school years 4 to 8 are welcome. The programme runs from Sept to April each year and finishes with an Annual Service with the children presenting a programme that demonstrates what they have learnt during the year. A dedicated team supervises the children week by week and provide a varied programme of Bible lessons, quizzes, craft and outings.
Senior Youth Fellowship meet on a Friday night at 8pm from Sept to May. 25-30 young people attend from school year 9 upwards. Our programme involves singing, testimonies, quizzes, missionary reports and bible study. We visit other youth fellowships, Youth Council sponsored events and host other groups on occasions. We have leisure activities also and an annual youth weekend.
Our Tuesday night (@ 6.50pm) Outreach Work is a door-to-door ministry and one of our regular mid-week Church activities.Our purpose is basically two-fold –
1st Timothy 1:15 is a most encouraging verse to all who are involved in sharing the Gospel. It reads;
“This is a faithful saying , and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
The parent and toddlers group meet every Tuesday morning in the Douglas Suite from 10.00am to 11·30am.
Why not come along for a cup of tea, fellowship and a chance to meet new friends. We welcome all children from birth to preschool and have plenty of great toys to play with, a craft corner, a time of singing and lots of fun each Tuesday morning .
Mums, dads, childminders and grandparents all welcome .
Toast and drinks available for all – we look forward to meeting you there!!
For further information contact Hayley on 07740 084807
In the Bible Class we are currently studying the book of Judges. It traces the history of the children of Israel for 400 years from the death of Joshua until the crowning of Saul, the first king of Israel The Judges themselves were individuals mightily used of God and there is so much we can learn from these characters today. In additon, we will have different speakers from the congregation covering various interesting subjects throughout the year.
The Bible Class starts around 10:20 am each Sabbath morning and anyone aged 16 or over is very welcome. If you have a desire to learn more from the Word of God, grow in your faith and draw closer to the Lord, the Bible Class is for you.
‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path’ Psalm 119v105
Our Sunday School runs from 10am to 11am from the first Sunday in September through to the end of June each year.
Children are taught faithfully each week from the Word of God by a small band of dedicated teachers, who have a burden to see children reached with the message of Salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our classes run from pre-primary through to year 8 and then years 9 – 12 join the Junior Bible Class. Children aged 3 to 16 are most welcome.
The Sunday School commences with chorus singing and an opening prayer before children join their class at 10:15am. Children are encouraged to memorise Scripture verses and also to learn and recite from the Child’s Catechism. The children are taught a Bible lesson from the Word of God and each class follows a series of lessons from the Free Presbyterian Church curriculum. The curriculum teaches the main themes of the Bible from year 1 to year 5, starting with creation through to the life, work and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. From year 6 to year 8 the children are taught in more detail about the main themes previously covered. The Junior Bible Class vary their Bible studies from year to year.
We have special events throughout the year such as:
Prizing Giving – held in November where the children receive prizes for the previous year’s attendance and scripture based learning. Parents are most welcome to attend making this a very special day for the children.
Christmas Party – held on the first Saturday afternoon in December is always good fun that includes a special visit by Santa!
Sunday School Excursion – this takes place on the last Saturday in May and is always much anticipated by the children. Our plan is to return to Carnfunnock Country Park, outside Larne, where a BBQ lunch is followed by activities throughout the park with light refreshments in late afternoon before heading home. Parents must attend with their children which makes for a fun family day out.
Children’s Day – the highlight of the Sunday School year is Children’s Day held towards the end of June. There is always a theme to the day with the children all taking part in singing, Bible readings and other recitals. The children and teachers practice for many weeks and we are always encouraged by the large number of visitors in attendance.
For further information contact Daniel on 07752 056415
Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church is a strong, Christ centred, Bible based church, proclaiming a living Christ to a dying world. Fundamental in doctrine, separated in witness, evangelistic in outreach, the church seeks to … Read More »
Daily #Devotional for Friday 7th February 2025
“Bad Trees Cut Down" by Rev. Roger Higginson
#lisburnfpc #lisburn #fallingtrees
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6 CommentsComment on Facebook
Very good Devotional message of The Gospel Thanks Roger for sharing God Bless
Thank you for another week Devotional God Bless 🙏
John 3 16 Clogher valley
Daily #Devotional for Wednesday 5th February 2025
“The Gospel in a Nutshell" by Rev. Roger Higginson
#lisburnfpc #lisburn #gospelinanutshell
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Wonderful devotional, thank you God Bless
Thank you Roger for sharing what the 5 different colours stands for The gospel in a nut shell .Thank Jesus for saving me when I was young Amen
Thank you brother for that lovely message 🙏
We are having some technical difficulties with our FB stream. If you wish to join us this evening, use the links below which will take you to our SermonAudio and YouTube pages. Thank you for your understanding.
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SermonAudio www.sermonaudio.com/broadcasters/lisburn/
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Daily #Devotional for Monday 3rd February 2025
“Nebuchadnezzar’s Tree" by Rev. Roger Higginson
#lisburnfpc #lisburn #fallingtrees #Nebuchadnezzar
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13 CommentsComment on Facebook
Thank you Roger for sharing encouraging word about Daniel was true to God
Amen. Every blessing.
Thanks again and God bless
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Rev. Roger Higginson
Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church
1 Windemere Road
BT28 2GY
t: +44 (0)28 9266 3326
e: info@lisburnfpc.com
w: www.lisburnfpc.com