Join with us for our Harvest Thanksgiving Services.
Sat 10th October @Â 7:30pm
Guest Preacher: Rev Ian Harris (Annalong)
Special Singer: Mrs Helen Magill
Preceded by half hour of prayer.
Sun 11th October @ 11:30am
Guest Preacher: Rev Andrew Patterson (Kilkeel)
Preceded by half hour of prayer.
Sun 11th October @Â 7:00pm
Guest Preacher: Rev Peter McIntyre (Clogher Valley)
Special Singers: Cherith & Bethany Kenny
Preceded by half hour of prayer.
Mon 12th October @Â 8:00pm
Guest Preacher: Rev Gary Goodes (Hillsborough)
Special Singer: Mr Stephen McAreavey
Preceded by half hour of prayer.
We will also be broadcasting live on the internet.  If you can’t come along, join us online at