There has been some hype and media interest in the new blockbuster film called “NOAH,” which has just been released in the United States and United Kingdom. The movie is based partly on the Biblical account of Noah’s Flood as it is found in the Book of Genesis. Most Evangelical Christians see the film as a perversion of the Scriptural record, while some liberal Christians feel it may cause people to read the Bible for themselves and as such they have given the film their blessing.
However, it matters little how you view the film called “NOAH” because we have a clear and accurate account of the Flood of Noah contained in the Bible. From Scripture we are able to present the true record of the Global Flood in Noah’s day and the true reason why such a flood was sent by God. The Lord Jesus Christ believed the Old Testament historical account of the Flood and likened the days of Noah to the days preceding His second coming (Matthew 24:36-39).
Rev Thomas Martin has preached on this subject at length and the link below will give you access to that message. We trust you will be blessed by what you hear.”